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Greatest Day Ever???

Yesterday was probably the greatest day I have ever experienced. Once I made the decision to never work again, it was like a weight was lifted off my chest. I felt as free as Paris Hilton on a cocaine possession charge. I actually enjoyed my life yesterday. I didn’t do anything special but just knowing that I wasn’t expected to be anywhere at any particular time was pretty kick ass. Now, I just have to figure out how long my money is going to last me. Or maybe how I can find some more money. I was reading about this Law of Attraction thing and it says I can just concentrate on money and it will magically appear to me, sprinkled with pixie dust and locks of angel hair. But just all that concentrating sounds too time consuming, so I’ll have to figure out another way. Anybody have any ideas? What can a person do where people just give them money? Those girls who have their own webcam shows are geniuses. They just have to look hot and type. Two things that I do everday. Haha. Just kidding. I don’t type…

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